Gaetano Morelli Lectures (5th Edition - 2018)
"Methodologies of International Law"
Rome, 11-13 October 2018
In 2018, the Gaetano Morelli Lectures will be held by: Olivier Corten (Professor of International Law, Université Libre de Bruxelles); Alessandra Gianelli (Professor of International Law, University of Teramo); Joseph H.H. Weiler (Professor of Law, New York University).
The Gaetano Morelli Lectures are organised by the Department of Legal Sciences of "Sapienza" University of Rome and the Research Centre for European Law (CRDE) of "Unitelma Sapienza" University of Rome (info here and here).
On the e-learning platform of "Unitelma Sapienza" University of Rome, the videos of the Gaetano Morelli Lectures (4th Edition - 2017) - "Rethinking the Doctrine of Customary International Law", Gaetano Morelli Lectures (3rd Edition - 2016) - "International Procedural Law: Common Principles or General Principles?" and Gaetano Morelli Lectures (2nd Edition - 2015) - "Decisions of the ICJ as Sources of International Law?" are available in open access format.
Gaetano Morelli Lectures Series
The volume 3 - 2020 Discourses on Methods in International Law - An Anthology, which collects some of the courses and seminars held during the Gaetano Morelli Lectures: 3rd Edition - 2016 International Procedural Law: Common Principles or General Principles?, 4th Edition - 2017 Rethinking the Doctrine of Customary International Law, and 5th Edition - 2018 Methodologies of International Law), published within the Gaetano Morelli Lectures Series, is now available on-line and released in open access format.
The volume 2 - 2018 Decisions of the ICJ as sources of International Law? that collects the courses and seminars delivered during the Gaetano Morelli Lectures (2nd Edition - 2015), and the volume 1 - 2015 The Present and Future of Jus Cogens that collects the courses and seminars delivered during the Gaetano Morelli Lectures (1st Edition - 2014), published within the Gaetano Morelli Lectures Series, are also available on-line and released in open access format.
European Papers – A Journal on Law and Integration
The CRDE is glad to announce the publicaton of the Issue No 2 in the Volume 5, 2020 of European Papers (www.europeanpapers.eu).
European Forum of European Papers – Latest Insights and Highlights
European Papers – Call for Submissions
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Mind the Fog, Stand Clear of the Cliff!
A Commentary on the Political Declaration
on the Future of EU-UK Relations after Brexit
Seminar - 6 December 2019 ! 10.30
Adam Lazowski
Professor of EU Law
University of Westminstern
“Sapienza” - University of Rome
Department of Legal Sciences
Department of Legal and Economic Studies
Faculty of Law – Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 – Roma
EU Competition Law
as the Engine of the Single Market:
State Aids as Part of the Solution or of the Problem?
Seminar - 22 October 2019 ! 9.00
Alessandro Nucara
Senior Legal Officer, Head of Task Force DLFM,
European Commission
“Sapienza” - University of Rome
Department of Legal Sciences
Department of Legal, Economic and Philosophical Studies
Faculty of Law – Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 – Roma
The Law of the EU Internal Market
Seminars - 8-19 April 2019
Ségolène Barbou Des Places
Professeur à l’Ecole de Droit de la Sorbonne
Université́ Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne
“Sapienza” - University of Rome
Department of Legal Sciences
Department of Legal, Economic and Philosophical Studies
Faculty of Law – Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 – Roma
The Reception of International Law
into the Domestic Legal System
Seminar - 8 April 2019 | 9.00
Jeffrey Dunoff
Laura H. Carnell Professor of Law
Temple University - Beasley Law School
“Sapienza” - University of Rome
Department of Legal Sciences
Department of Legal, Economic and Philosophical Studies
Faculty of Law – Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 – Roma
Illiberal Democracies:
The Role of the European Union
Seminar - 30 January 2019 | 15.30
Dimitry Kochenov, Roberto Mastroianni,
Cesare Pinelli, Paolo Ridola
Enzo Cannizzaro
“Sapienza” - University of Rome
Department of Legal Sciences
Department of Legal, Economic and Philosophical Studies
Faculty of Law – Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 – Roma
The Evolving Doctrine of Self-Defense,
with a Focus on Actions in Syria
Seminar - 23 May 2018 | 11.00
Paul B. Stephan
University of Virginia School of Law
“Sapienza” - University of Rome – Department of Legal Sciences
Faculty of Law – Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 – Rome
The Enduring Prohibition of War
and the New Crime of Aggression
Seminar - 14 May 2018 | 11.00
Mary Ellen O’Connell
University of Notre Dame
Claus Kreß
University of Cologne
“Sapienza” - University of Rome – Department of Legal Sciences
Faculty of Law – Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 – Rome
Treaty Interpretation
Seminars - 23, 24 and 26 April 2018
Rodoljub Etinski
University of Novi Sad
“Sapienza” - University of Rome – Department of Legal Sciences
Faculty of Law – Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 – Rome